First Catholics. Then Protestants. Then Babylon.

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In Catholic nations, The Church is strong enough to provide checks and balances to the state. Protestantism weakens The Only Church Jesus Founded. After Protestantism weakens The Church, Babylon takes over. First, Catholics. Then Protestants. Then Babylon.

Nations sink from Pro-Life Catholicism to Protestant ambivalence. Then, they descend to Babylon. We see the results.

The decline begins with some, then dozens, then hundreds, then thousands, then tens of thousands of Protestant denominations. The Church is weakened. Endless confusion is inflicted upon individuals, families, and entire nations.

Babylon needs Protestantism. Protestantism weakens The Church. That division paralyzes Christianity. The Profiteers of Protestantism keep one, unified Catholic Church from standing firmly for families, life and freedom.

When The Church is weakened, it can no longer provide balance to Babylon.

Two of the largest state expenditures are on Health and Education. Where The Church provides significant medical and educational services, costs to taxpayers are lower. Life is protected.

When States take over medical services, costs increase rapidly. Only licensed providers may provide ever more specialized and expensive care. Abortion, pills, and implants are encouraged. They keep the numbers of welfare recipients down. They also help keep working women in the labor force and paying taxes. The Sacred Duty of Motherhood is demeaned.

When Babylon take over education, peoples are never taught that “Life must be respected from conception until natural death.” The Church can no longer stop the state from the budget-balancing brutality that keeps undesirable populations in check.

Catholicism encourages families to “Be fruitful and multiply.” Babylon hates life, freedom, and families. “Over-population” provides excuses to kill the unborn. That concern is magnified by many, many Imaginary Problems. Each of them provides funding for Babylon’s agencies, departments, and bureaus.

First Catholics. Then Protestants. Then Babylon.

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