Protestantism: “I disobey Jesus. So should you. Forget about Heaven.”

The Profiteers of Protestantism are too vain to obey Jesus. Their soul-condemning anger has taken form in 45,000 denominations. Their founders have defined Protestantism: “I disobey Jesus. So should you. Forget about Heaven.”

The Profiteers of Protestantism willfully disobey The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Profiteers of Protestantism refuse to love and respect Jesus enough to obey His Only Church-Founding Decree. They do obey the dictates of their vanity. “I do not have to obey Jesus! I can get to Heaven on my own. Jesus can’t keep me out!”

The Profiteers of Protestantism know who will get into Heaven: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” They know that they have chosen to disobey Jesus! They know the willfully disobedient can’t get into Heaven. They don’t care! They live the lie that Jesus will let His disobedient enemies into Heaven!

We ask our Protestant friends: “Did Jesus let the disobedient devil stay in Heaven?”

They don’t care! “No, the disobedient devil is not in Heaven. But, as long as I keep repeating ‘I believe in Jesus.’ I am obedient enough! I will get into Heaven as long as I tell people, ‘I am born again! I am saved!’. I do not have to do anything else!'”

Their is a great self-hatred in the minds of those who willfully disobey Jesus. “I want my own way more than I want to obey Jesus and get into Heaven. So, I disobey Jesus. I want my followers to disobey Jesus, too. I want them to share my fate!”

The Profiteers of Protestantism see those who obey Jesus the way Cain saw Abel.

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