Catholics live in logic.

Catholics live in logic. Catholics are blessed to more fully realize the When and Where and How of Jesus’ Birth.


The Prophet Daniel predicted When Jesus would be born. The “Three Wise Men” had access to The Book of Daniel. It predicted When The Messiah would be born. They were helped by the Babylonian astronomy records. For thousands of years, the rising and setting of the sun, moon, planets, and stars had been recorded on clay tablets. God had moved priests of Babylon’s evil religions to provide the longest astronomical records in history.


The Prophet Micah predicted Where The Messiah would be born. Bethlehem was one village among 60,000 towns and cities of The Roman Empire.

The Three Wise Men asked Jewish priests Where The Messiah would be born. “Bethlehem.”

They arrived in Bethlehem When Jesus was born.


Catholics are blessed to understand “How” Joseph and Mary were moved to go to Bethlehem. God had spent 753 years getting The Roman government in place. Then, God sent an angel into the mind of Caesar Augustus. God’s angel inspired Caesar to announce: “All the world shall be taxed.” It took a year or so for Caesar’s bureaucrats to get the taxing mechanisms and people organized.

God made the head of the world’s biggest government put his Tax-Decree into operation at the very same time Micah and Daniel had predicted Where and When Jesus would be born.


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem at the right time. Those responsible for enforcing Caesar Augustus’s Tax Decree arrived in Bethlehem at the right time. The Three Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem at the right time.


Catholics continue to be amazed at God’s Power. The simultaneous arrival of all the necessary people in Bethlehem was exactly nine months after Mary, The Blessed Mother of God, decided to say “Yes!” to God.

I will be The Handmaid of The Lord.”


Because of all that, and more, Jesus was born in Bethlehem at the right time. Catholics are so impressed that we worship Jesus.

Catholics live in logic. Catholics take The Miracle of Jesus so seriously that we also say “Yes!” to His Only Church-Founding Decree:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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