Protestants are like Saul; Catholics are like David.

We read The Bible. What do we find? Protestants are like Saul; Catholics are like David.

David was tempted by Uriah the Hittite’s beautiful wife. He committed adultery with her. He got her to commit adultery with him! She became pregnant. David tried to get Uriah to make it look like it was his child. When that failed, David had Uriah killed! He killed to cover up his sins.

What Commandment did David not violate?


Catholics are comforted by what happened to King David. After heartfelt repentance, and punishment, David was forgiven for his willful disobedience to God.

God’s Power turned David’s repentance into Solomon. Then, into Jesus! In every age His nation prospered!


King Saul made excuses for his sin. He had willfully refused to order his army to do God’s will and destroy enemy possessions. He let them keep what they had plundered.

Saul did not apologize for his willful disobedience. He made excuses.

So, God took away the Crown and Power He had given to Saul. He gave His Power to David!


We pray that our beloved Protestant neighbors will follow David and not Saul. We pray they will sincerely “apologize” for not respecting God enough to obey The Holy Word with Which He Spoke The Only Church He Founded Into Being:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


The Bible is clear: The Unforgivable Sin is refusing to apologize to God for disobeying Him. Catholics receive Absolution by Confessing our sins to the only people on earth to whom God gave this power:

“Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

We pray that our beloved Protestant neighbors will stop making silly excuses for their disobedience.

Protestants are like Saul; Catholics are like David.

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