Catholics consider:  Did Constantine fulfill God’s Timeline? 


Christians know that God has a Timeline.  It is revealed in Revelation.  Chapters 19 and 20 are short.  They are worth reading!

The great battle between God and the devil is described at the beginning of Chapter 19. “After this I seemed to hear the great sound of a huge crowd in Heaven. . .”


Reading about “The First Battle of the End” leads us to think of one man:  Constantine!   Catholics consider:  Did Constantine fulfill God’s Timeline?   Catholics consider ten points.

1. Chapter 19: 11 describes how “The First Battle for The End” begins!  “Now, I saw Heaven open, and a white horse appear;  its rider was called ‘Faithful and True’.”

2. In Latin, “Constantine” means “Steadfast”.  To be “Steadfast”, one must be “faithful and true”!

3. Constantine, fighting for God and The Catholic Church, was “a warrior for justice“!  In 313 AD, his Edict of Milan made it legal to be Catholic!  Then, he fought and defeated Diocletian and the forces of evil!

4. Did Constantine’s cavalry not include “white horses”?

5. The “name written on him” was the Chi-Rho symbol.  Constantine ordered that Holy Sign to be painted on tens of thousands of his soldiers’ shields as he led them to victory after victory.

6. Constantine’s head was “crowned with many coronets” as he took over wider areas of The Roman Empire!

7. We know Constantine was  “a judge with integrity”.   His “integrity” led him to have his wife and his son executed for working against his Divine Mission.

8.  After taking over The Empire, he did “rule them with an iron scepter.”

9.  As he destroyed the enemies of The Catholic Church, Constantine did “tread out the wine of Almighty God’s fierce anger.” 

10.  It was Constantine who called The Council of Nicea.  There, Catholic Doctrine was defined in The Nicene Creed.  The Catholic Church was given Doctrine that stands to this day!


Those ten points show connections between Constantine, The Church, and “The First Battle of the End”.   They are good reasons why Catholics consider:  Did Constantine fulfill God’s Timeline?

Catholics read 2,000 years of History!   Catholics ask:  Who else was chosen by God to lead “the first battle for the end” on earth?

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