We must remember “The Hidden Rule”.

Most who seek public office are decent people.  Intelligent voters try to see what motivates them.   Most voters are somewhat aware of  “The Hidden Rule”.  We must always remember that “The Hidden Rule” is at work in every election.

Every power-seeker in History has supporters.  They have plans to profit from their candidates’ success.

Powerful supporters often stay out of sight.  The Profiteers of Politics grow richer no matter who wins.  That is “The Hidden Rule”.


One thing is clearly visible.  Every candidate tells many voters:  “I will make things better for you!”  Many candidates believe that “God wants me to be elected!” 

We don’t always know whom God wants to be elected!  We do know that in every election, “The Hidden Rule” operates.  Wealthy supporters donate to those who will make them wealthier.   Most candidates publicly ignore “The Hidden Rule”.

They prefer to proudly proclaim:  “I follow higher principles.”

Most of us are trusting people.  We who are trusting people tend to believe what we are told.  If someone seems sincere, we think they are telling the truth.  If they tell us what we want to hear, we tend to trust them more.


Jesus gave us an odd instruction that often applies to all of our decisions.  “Be as cunning as snakes.”

His Advice prompts concerned voters to ask one question about every candidate.  “Will he or she support this teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’?”


Some candidates are more Pro-Life than others.   Some voters focus on that.  They do not want to go to Judgment with innocent blood on their hands.

It is a start.  We do have to watch for one other thing!

Sometimes, we have candidates who believe they are “The Messiah”.

History shows that they end up inflicting great harm.   We avoid them!


We may ask a basic question about every candidate.  “Which candidate best loves God and all their neighbors?”

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