Catholics drive The Jesus Car! We live in His House!


After we buy The Jesus Car, we sell more of our vanity.  Catholics realize:  “I should move into Jesus’ House!”

Our soul knows what our spirit does in our House!  Our Spirit follows thoughts from one Dark Room in our mind to another Dark Room.   Catholics do not want our spirits to live in Dark Rooms.

There are many Dark Rooms in our mind.  Each Dark Room has a sign on the wall:  “Stay in this room!  You do not have to obey Jesus’ Words in this room!”


We know what’s in those rooms!   Temptations!  Temptations lead us to disobey any of The Words Jesus Spoke.


Protestants all have this Dark Room in their house!   This sign is on the wall of that Dark Room:

                                          “You do not have to obey This Word of Jesus:

              ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell                                                          shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Protestants spend a lot of time in that room!  It is very Dark.   This light does not shine in that Dark Room:

          “Every Life is Precious!  Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


Catholics want our spirits to live in The Light!   Catholics remodel our houses!  We knock down the walls of the Dark Rooms.   Every time we obey another Word of Jesus, we knock down another wall!  More light shines in!

We want to live in a bright, shining house!   We want to live in Jesus’ House!  Is it made of brick?   Stone?  Wood?

It is not made of any thing.  It is made of Jesus’ Word!

Catholics try to live in The House of Jesus twenty four hours a day!  Seven days a week!  For the rest of our lives!

When we live in Jesus’ House, we see:  there is no room for disobedience!  Only if we live in The House of Jesus may we be forever among:

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.” 

Catholics want Our House to become:  A House of Jesus!


We tell the neighbors we love:  “Drive The Jesus Car!  Live in His House!”

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