Catholics begin at The Beginning. We end with God.

God “Spoke” Creation Into Being. His First Words? “Let there be light.” What happened? “And, there was light.” Light is made out of His Word. What are His Words made of?

God’s Will takes Form in “Words”. Words are made of syllables. Syllables are made of letters. Letters are made of “Holy Photons”.

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are compilations of His “Lifeless Photons”.

God’s “Living Photons” became plants and animals. They are all sub-programs in His incredibly complicated Creation Program.

Angels and human souls are “Free Will Photons”.


Our soul is our Created Creator”. Our soul is a “Free Will Photon”!

Each human soul is a “Word of God”. Our immortal soul was “spoken into being” at our conception. Our soul is made “in the image of God”. Our soul “speaks” us into being. Our soul directs our Spirit to move our parents’ DNA atoms and molecules into place. They build us from the “Lifeless Photons”.

That’s how we become what we are.

Billions of us “Free Will Photons” live in the “Lifeless Photons” of earth, air, fire, and water.


Creation became more complicated. Some of the “Free Will Photons” chose to disobey God. The devil, fallen angels, and disobedient souls became “unHoly Photons”. They try to get every Human Soul to join them in choosing to disobey God’s Words.


Over 10,000 years ago, God “Spoke” Abraham’s ancestors into Being. He gave them superior minds. Those peoples took over the world. We remember some of them as “Thor”, “Jupiter”, and “Ahura Mazda”. They were ancestral leaders and teachers. They were made into Gods to justify and maintain their conquests.

He made Abraham the smartest of all. He arranged for Abraham to send many wealthy children to other lands. For the rest of History, God had them take over Tribes of Abrahamic Peoples between Ireland and The Philippines. They soon replaced earlier inhabitants.

Then, God provided minds who could hear His Word! Prophets came from Abraham’s Tribes. He gave them This Word, “I am coming to earth in Human Form.”

He did! Over 300 Prophecies predicting The Messiah’s Family, Birthplace, Life, Death, and Resurrection came true!


The Messiah gathered His first followers from Jacob’s Tribes. He provided them with One Church. It would forever separate obedient “Holy Photons” from the “unHoly Photons” who chose to disobey His Holy Words.


The Messiah gave His “Free Will Photons” the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”! He Spoke One Church with “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” into Being! This Word of God provided the “The Photons of Salvation”!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


For 2,000 years, The Obedient “Free Will Photons” of God have obeyed That Word of God!

It gets better! By obeying Every Word of Jesus, we answer The Call to Catholic Communion that He repeated 14 times:

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

We have “life” in us! God’s “life”! Forever!

Catholics begin at the beginning. We end with God.

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