Our spirit tries to keep our Soul out of “rooms” in our brain.

Our spirit tries to keep our Soul out of “rooms” in our brain.

Out Soul is in continual battle with our spirit.  Our spirit wants to gratify its desires for pleasure and gain.  Our spirit is “Vanity”.

The Soul goes to Judgment.  So, our Soul wants our spirit to obey The Teachings of Jesus Christ.  Our Soul knows!

“Jesus fulfilled The Prophecies!  He told us of the only people He lets into Heaven:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’!”


Our soul wants us to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!  Our spirit does not!  Neither does the devil!  His evil workers do whatever they can to help spirits win our soul’s war for Jesus Christ!

Today’s reading us Mt. 15: 21-28 tells us this very unpopular Truth.

1.  A very intelligent Mother realized what was causing her daughter’s problems.

2.  She publicly and insistently proclaimed that Jesus Christ could cure the problem.

“Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David!  My daughter is tormented by a demon.”


That woman knew more than psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and medical doctors!  She knew what was driving her daughter crazy!

Her beloved daughter’s soul was being “tormented by a demon”.   That blessed Woman was intelligent enough to understand that!

That Mother was blessed to know!   Jesus Christ had The Power to drive the “demon” out of her daughter’s mind!


Catholics know what that Mother knew!   Our soul receives His life” when we obey This Word of Jesus Christ:

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

2,000 years ago, Jesus provided That Holy Food!   It gives “life” to our souls!   That Mother was blessed with intelligence!  She understood His Power before Jesus provided That Holy Food at The Last Supper!

What a brilliant woman!


People, families, and nations are continually “tormented” by soul-destroying “demons”!  May we all understand!  We cannot win wars with “demons” without obeying Jesus Christ!

Every problem is caused because we let “demons” rule our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Every “demon” on earth hates for anyone to understand what that Mother knew about such problems and their solution!

Catholics do understand.  We strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ.

Obedience to all His Teachings are our only hope of Salvation.  Catholics do what is necessary to have “His Life” within us!

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