Catholics take three big steps! We see an invisible “word”!

Catholics are blessed to think logically! We take three big steps:

1. Without The Creator, there could be no Creation.

2. Creation was Spoken Into Being in order to give every person free will.

3. Every person chooses to be in one of two groups:

Group 1: People of Good Will. People of Good Will are in one of two groups.

Sub-Group A. Catholics strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ.

Sub-Group B. Others try to obey Some Teachings of Jesus Christ.

We see examples of Group 1 among every Catholic Saint.

They all obeyed Jesus Christ and His Holy, Church-Founding Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Only by striving to obey Every Word of Jesus Christ may we hold “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”. One of those “keys”? Being among those who uphold “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


Group 2: People of Bad Will choose to not believe This Catholic Teaching! “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.” People of Bad Will are in one of two groups.

Sub-Group C. “We believe that inconvenient life is not worthy of protection.”

Sub-Group D. “No life is worthy of protection.”


Jim Jones is an example of Group 2! He was an insane Protestant minister. He ordered his followers at Jonestown to drink poison. He watched them die.
Then, he drank that same poison. He did not believe that Any Life should be “protected from conception until natural death”.


Catholics love God enough to obey Every Teaching of His Son. That lets Catholics see an “invisible word”! The “invisible word” is hidden in This Teaching of Jesus Christ, our final Judge! “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

We know! The invisible word “forever” is between “friends” and “if”!

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