Catholics see how simple History is!

Catholics see how simple History is! First, there was a Stone Age. People got good at making tools and weapons out of stone.

The Age of Easy Metals followed. People made things out of lead, silver, gold, and copper.

After that, The Bronze Age. The end of this very short article shows why The Bronze Age is important!

The Bronze Age began about 3,000 BC. A brilliant inventor combined tin with copper. Smart people made bronze into better armor, weapons, and tools. They took over vast areas of the world!

Saddles, wagons, and bigger ships were invented! Powerful armies and navies began to move! Peoples with the best inventors soon occupied nations from Ireland to China.

Stone Age cultures were replaced by those smart enough to enter The Bronze Age.


God gave Abraham’s Ancestors the DNA that made better thinking possible. Abraham’s Ancestors founded families. Smarter families became Tribes. Tribes led by the smartest people became Peoples and Nations! They took over the world.

The Arameans were among Abraham’s immediate Ancestors. They had high IQs! Relatives of Abraham’s Ancestors became Hittites, Assyrians, Greeks, Indians, Celts, Germans, Lombards, and hundreds of others.


What happened next? Inventors invented ways to work with iron! Smarter people made even better weapons, tools, and armor. In the next 4,000 years, the Iron Age progressed to where we are.

Catholics see how simple History is! History is the story of smarter people replacing those who stayed stuck in earlier Ages.


Most people spent their lives dealing with inventions! They were too busy to hear God Speak quietly to His Prophets. He told them about The Coming Messiah. God’s Power provided a People who passed on a Written Record of God’s Prophecies.

God had chosen Abraham from all the people in the world. God gave Abraham great intelligence. Abraham and The Prophets were blessed with the intelligence to hear His Words! |


As the Prophets had predicted, Jesus Christ was born in the Prophesied Village of the Predicted House and Tribe. God had taken human form!

He Spoke This Word to His followers:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

For the past 2,000 years, those who respectfully obey God are in The Only Church He left on earth. Only The Catholic Church has “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.


Catholics see a connection that others do not. In Rev. 1:14, St. John saw Jesus. He was standing on His feet!

“His feet like burnished bronze when it has been refined in a furnace”. The symbolism is clear. We see that Jesus “stood” upon The Bronze Age.

Catholics see how simple History is!

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