It is important to share 3 facts and 4 soul-saving sentences.

Catholics know: It is important to share 3 facts and 4 soul-saving sentences.

Three facts:

1. We want to be smart. Lots of smart people do not think clearly. They don’t want their souls to be among the only people Jesus lets into Heaven at Judgment!

2. We want to be attractive. God looks at our soul. Souls stained by unrepentant sin are ugly to Him.

3. We want rich. Rich people have a very hard time getting into Heaven. Many of them have put soul-destroying desires before God.

Those 3 facts lead to one conclusion! It is better to be dumb, ugly, and poor if it helps us get into Heaven!


Those three facts lead us to 4 soul-saving sentences!

Soul-saving sentence #1: “Compared to God, I am dumb, ugly, and poor!” That thought lets us make a big step forward! Knowing our place in time and space is a great help.

Try repeating that out loud! “Compared to God, I am dumb, ugly, and poor!”

The demons of Pride hate for people to think that thought! They hate it more when someone understands how true it is! They never want anyone to think or say: “Compared to God, I am dumb, ugly, and poor.”

When we repeat soul-saving sentence #1, our soul gets a little closer to Heaven.


Soul-saving sentence #2 helps us put other people in the proper perspective!

“Compared to God, every smart, attractive, rich person is dumb, ugly, and poor.”


Those soul-saving sentences lead us to Soul-saving sentence #3! “The First Commandment is the most important: ‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.'”

The demons of Pride hate for anyone to obey The First Commandment of God!


Soul-saving sentence #4 lets us see one thing that makes our soul look ugly! “The demons of pride want me to envy other people.”

Everyone is smart enough to not envy anyone who proudly lets pride keep their immortal soul from getting into Heaven!


Catholics know! It is important to share 3 facts and 4 soul-saving sentences.

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Every day: simple reasons to be Catholic.
