Our soul is happy when we think logically about it.

Catholics think about our soul! Our soul is happy when we think logically about it. The soul’s logic lets us know! “You should be thinking about me! I am the most important part of you because I am not a part of you!”



Our soul is in our body. Our soul is not part of our body.

How do Catholics know that? We know! “We are made ‘in the image of God’. God is not a ‘part’ of His Creation. He is separate from it. Our soul is no more a part of our body than a driver is part of a vehicle.”

Our soul was made in His “image”. So, our soul cannot be part of our body.


When we understand that, our thinking changes. We understand the most important truth there is. “When a person dies, the only thing left is the soul!”

That understanding reflects another similarity to being in “the image of God”. Creation will come to an end. Only God and those souls with Him will be in Heaven.

When our body dies, only our soul is left alive.


Our soul wants us to understand. “I was created at my conception. My soul will leave my body. God will judge it.”

What happens at Judgment? Our soul will be judged in “the twinkling of an eye”. Who is our Judge? He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies! Jesus Christ will judge every soul.

Logic tells us that one of two things will happen at His Judgment!

1. Our soul is allowed into Heaven.


2. Our soul is not allowed into Heaven.

Our immortal soul will either spend eternity in joy or agony.


Catholics think logically enough to know one thing! “At Judgment, I want my soul to be in One Group!” Which group? “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Every Catholic knows! “Jesus Christ left “keys” to let my soul get into Heaven! I will follow His Instructions! His Instructions are always right!”

Logic leads many to obey This Teaching of Jesus Christ:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Our soul is happy when we think logically about it. Thinking logically lets our soul get into Heaven!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
