Catholics take a new look at The Holy Trinity. 2.

Catholics are blessed! Thinking about The Holy Trinity leads us to understanding what atoms and electrons are made of! Catholics come to a New Theory of Matter and Energy by visualizing The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as Programmer, Program, and Programming.

Then, Catholics look at the word: “Word”! The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is “The Word of God.”

That leads us to one of many ways to describe The Holy Trinity.

1. The Father is The Speaker.

2. The Son is The Word spoken by The Speaker.

3. The Holy Spirit is The Ongoing Echo of The Word spoken by The Speaker.

Three sentences describe The Three Persons of God! And, what He did!


That opens the door to a New Theory of Matter and Energy! We know: All “Words” have “echoes”. We live in and on The Ongoing Echoes of The Speaker’s Words!

How many Words did The Speaker speak? He, or angels He Spoke Into Being and empowered, may have Spoken One Word, or syllable, for every part of every single thing. Other Words produce their arrangements and movements.

Catholics are blessed with a new understanding of the nature of matter and energy! We live in and on The Ongoing Echoes of The Speaker’s Words! Their reverberating echoes form everything! His Words make electrons, atoms, and what they form.

God’s Words make everything from a grain of salt to galaxies!


Catholics connect that truth to ourselves! At conception, each person is a living echo the size of a grain of salt!

How did we grow? We absorbed nutrients. They are also Ongoing Echoes of God’s Word!

Our mothers kept us alive. What was the first thing we did when we were born? We cried! What does that prove us to be?

Each of us was, and is, an “echo-making echo” of God’s Word!

Each of us is that Miracle!


The Ongoing Echoes of The Speaker’s Words make all things, “visible and invisible”.

Catholics know! One of The “invisible” Echoes of God’s Word is soon to be made “visible”!

The New Jerusalem is The City of God. It is 1,500 miles (2,414 kilometers) high, wide, and tall. It will be coming to earth. That was revealed to St. John from a “great and enormous mountain”.

That Heavenly City is the everlasting Echo of The Speaker’s Word. Heaven!


There are 12 gates” to that City. They are as big as “pearls”. We can’t get through the “gates” unless we have the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

How do we get the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that The Word Spoke Into Being?

We obey This Word from The Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

Free books on that site include “My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light.”
