Brutus and the “Billionaire Party” never go away!

Catholics understand a simple fact! “History repeats itself.”

By 44 BC, Julius Caesar had taken over Rome. He got rid of useless state operations. Those whose jobs were threatened hated him!

Roman billionaires had the most to lose. They hated him more than anyone else!

They knew of Caesar’s big dream! He had conquered France. In early 44 BC, Julius Caesar had sent his Army marching toward Asia. He planned to conquer the lands between The Black and Caspian Sea.

Then, he planned to march West! He would conquer Germans, Goths, Avars, Sarmatians, and dozens of other tribes. He knew! They were developing powerful armies North and East of the Danube and Rhine Rivers.

Caesar knew they had to be conquered. He knew that he could make Rome as safe from them as he had made them safe from from Celts and Gauls.

Under Caesar, Rome would be safe! Rome’s billionaires would be richer than ever! Rome would be more powerful than ever!


Rome, like every nation, had a short-sighted “Billionaire Party”. Brutus led them. They hated Julius Caesar the way they hate similar leaders, today!

“Compared to us, Caesar is a genius! He can keep us and our billionaire families from getting our thousands of pounds of gold every year from the people of Rome! We have to get rid of Caesar or he might rid of us!”

For short-term gain, Rome’s billionaires decided to kill the only man smart enough to make Rome safe for centuries!


The middle of March, 44 BC, was a few days before Caesar planned leave Rome and catch up to his Army. Brutus and the “Billionaire Party” called a Senate meeting. Jealous billionaires stabbed him in the back!


The result? The growing enemy Tribes were not brought under Roman control 54 years later, Germans destroyed three Roman Legions in the Teutoberg Forest! The Empire began to shrink. Over the coming centuries, the Northern and Eastern Tribes all got stronger.

Within a few hundred years, Rome was taken over by the Tribes Caesar would have stopped! The “Billionaire Party” never admitted what a disastrous mistake they made.

The “Billionaire Party” had destroyed their own descendants by killing Caesar! He was the only man who could have saved their future generations!


History repeats itself. When there is a brilliant leader who supports people, the “Billionaire Party” gets rid of him.

It’s what Brutus and the short-sighted “Billionaire Party” always does.

History repeats itself.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
