What nation is “Assyria” today?

History never changes. Every nation is always attacked from within and without. The more prosperous a nation becomes, the more it is attacked.

Nations on the attack, from Assyria until today, are described in Today’s Reading from Hosea 14: 2-10!

“Thus says the LORD: Return, O Israel, to the LORD, your God; you have collapsed through your guilt. Take with you words, and return to the LORD; Say to him, “Forgive all iniquity, and receive what is good, that we may render as offerings the bullocks from our stalls.

We think about the next sentence: “Assyria will not save us, nor shall we have horses to mount . . .”

That describes what Attacking Nations do to those they conquer. They do “not save”! They conquer and destroy.

That’s History!

What nation is Assyria today?

History is clear! Attacking nations make use of angry people within the nations they attack. What do victorious invaders do to the people who betrayed their homeland?

They know! “We can’t trust them. They have to die.”

That is one of the details of History that angry people do not know.
