Our immortal soul will stand before Jesus at Judgment. It may be no bigger than this: .
Question 1: “Our soul is our immortal ‘Living Photon’. When we die, it will leave our body. It will go to Judgment. What will happen?
Answer: “Jesus sends some souls straight to hell. Other souls are sent to Purgatory to have their sins burned away. Some are immediately admitted into Heaven.”
Question 2: “How does Jesus decide which souls go to hell?”
Answer: “Their souls are an ugly color! Many ‘living photons’ are so stained by willful sin that they disgust Jesus. They are sent to hell.”
Question 3: “Are souls deformed in other ways?”
Answer: “Some ‘living photons’ are twisted from deliberately turning away from The Light that is Jesus Christ. Others are shriveled with wrinkles. The souls of the damned are alike in one way: they are ugly!”
Question 4: “How can I make my soul bright and shining?”
Answer: “We can all get rid of the sins that stain our ‘living photons’ by making a Good Confession and receiving Absolution from a Catholic priest.”
Question 5: “Why is Absolution from a Catholic priest important?”
Answer: Catholic priests are the only people on earth given This Power by Jesus Christ! “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”
Question 6: “Is that in The Bible?”
Answer: “John 10:23.”
Question 7: “Many people do not believe That Word of Jesus! What happens to their souls?”
Answer: “It depends on how willful their disobedience is! It is bad to disobey Any Word of Jesus Christ. Many people have been made so confused they are no longer able to see that.”
Question 8: “Who would want to confuse people?”
Answer: “The devil and his followers want to devour the ‘living photon’ that is our soul. They spread many, many lies to confuse people on earth!”
Question 9: “How does God tell whose ‘Living Photons’ have been innocently confused?”
Answer: “They shine more brightly than the dark and ugly souls who have knowingly and willfully chosen to live in disobedience to Any Word of Jesus Christ.”
Question 10: “What Word of Jesus Christ should all people strive to obey?”
Answer: “Those who truly want their souls in Heaven obey This Word of Jesus Christ: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
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