God’s IQ Test. #127. “How can I deposit money in my Heavenly account?”

“Catholics put money in our Safe Deposit Box in Heaven.”

Question 1: “Catholics all want a little more money in the bank! What is ‘money’?”

Answer: “Money is what lets us exchange what we have for what we want.”


Question 2: “Where does money come from?”

Answer: “‘Clean Money’ comes from adding value by work. ‘Dirty Money’ comes from getting money without working.”


Question 3: “How do people get ‘Dirty Money’?”

Answer: “People who love ‘Dirty Money’ hire armed men to take it from their neighbors.”


Question 4: “Does God know about this?”

Answer: “Yes!”


Question 5: “Why does God allow armed men to take ‘Clean Money’ from working people and families?”

Answer: “Our life is a continual test of ‘Love God and your neighbor as yourself’. Catholics pass. We know that many of our neighbors make a living by stealing from us. We love them, anyway.”


Question 6: “That doesn’t make sense! How can we love people who want to destroy us?”

Answer: “We try to live like Jesus. He allowed people whose incomes were threatened by His Teaching to kill Him.”


Question 7: “Does that make sense?”

Answer: “It does for Catholics! We know there is another kind of money! ‘God’s Money’ takes form in Love and Truth. Every time we ask God to bless another person, we deposit ‘God’s Money’ in our Heavenly Safe Deposit Box.”


Question 8: “Does that mean Catholic Saints are millionaires in Heaven?”

Answer: “They are more! They are ‘trillionaires’!


Question 9: “How do I start making deposits in my Heavenly Safe Deposit Box?”

Answer: The best way to begin is to obey The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 10: Does one of those ‘keys’ open our Safe Deposit Box in Heaven?”

Answer: “Everyone who understands that will be Catholic!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of reasons! http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/New_Road_To_Rome.pdf
