God’s IQ Test. #128. “Do I see what may happen when I pray?”

Catholics know how important it is to pray!

Question 1. “What happens when we pray?”

Answer: “Praying is sending a Message to God.”


Question 2: “Why do we send Messages to God?”

Answer: “Prayers begin with thoughts about our needs and the needs of others. We put those needs into words. We send those Messages to God. Our Messages to God are a stream of ‘Holy Photons’ from us to Him.”


Question 3: “Where do our Messages to God go?”

Answer: “Our prayers go to Heaven. They may arrive at what The Bible describes as “the glassy sea” in Rev 4:6.”

Question 4: Where is that “glassy sea”?”

Answer: “The glassy sea” is “before The Throne of God”.


Question 5: “What happens next?”

Answer: “Our Messages to God are assigned to The Proper Powers in Heaven.”


Question 6: “How does that happen?”

Answer: “Rev. 4:6-8 tells us that God has four holy “animals”. They live on ‘the glassy sea’. Each of them has ‘six wings’ and ‘eyes inside and out’. They “see” the ‘holy photons’ that are our Messages to God. They may be The Holy Beings Who give form to our Messages to God.”


Question 7: “How big can ‘the glassy sea’ be?”

Answer: “It fits inside of Heaven. Rev 21:16 tells us that The First Floor of Heaven is 1,500 miles (2414 km) from one side to the other.”


Question 8: “Does anyone else in Heaven help?”

Answer: “There are also 24 “elders” sitting in “thrones” around “the glassy sea”. And, there are “angels” who are among “all the living things in Creation” living around “the glassy sea”. As many as necessary work on answering our Messages to God that ask for His help.”


Question 9: “That is a new way for many of us to think about Heaven! Why does considering that Rev 4 describes Reality make me uncomfortable?”

Answer: “We all like thoughts that reflect what we have already accepted. New ideas make us uncomfortable. Some people are actually hostile to new ways to see The Power of God’s Word.”


Question 9: “Do people hide from a greater awareness of God’s Power because they do not want to obey Him?”

Answer: “Yes.”

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A new, free book about The Book of Revelation. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/the-book-of-revelation

Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
