God’s IQ Test. #129. “How does praying help my soul?”

. Catholics want our souls to pass God’s Judgment!

Question 1: “Catholics want to know: ‘How does praying help my soul?'”

Answer: “Prayers send Messages to God. They ask Him for help.”


Question 2: “Why is prayer important?”

Answer: “Our souls are pulled down by our sins. When we ask God to help us, we grow closer to loving Him and our neighbors. Every good prayer makes our soul less burdened by sin.”


Question 3: “For whom should we pray?”

Answer: “Ourselves, our families, and our neighbors! We ask God to give every soul the strength to get their thoughts, words, and deeds in obedience to Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!”


Question 4: “What happens when we pray?”

Answer: “We think of prayers as ‘Holy Photons’. They come from our mind at our soul’s direction. Each ‘Holy Photon’ is written down in our ‘Book of Life’. It is opened at our Judgment.”


Question 5: “Does God always answer prayers?”

Answer: “Yes! But, some of His Answers are hard to understand! Jesus asked The Father three times to spare Him from an agonizing torture and death. By not answering that Prayer, God gave the rest of us One Church with ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that can let our souls into Heaven!”


Question 5: “Should we be grateful when God does not give us the answer we want to our request for help?”

Answer: “There is no better way for us to understand why some of our prayers do not seem to be answered.”


Question 6: “Then, what’s the point of praying?”

Answer: “When we pray, we acknowledge our awareness of God’s Power. That brings us closer to Him. When we go on praying despite disappointments, we are being tested.”


Question 7: “What should we do when our prayers are not answered?”

Answer: “Pray harder! The earthly judge in Luke 18:1–8 provided justice when faced with unceasing prayers of the faithful woman!


Question 8: “How do our prayers help us?”

Answer: “Our prayers are ‘Holy Photons’! Every prayer that we have sent to God is written in our ‘Book of Life’. Good prayers help our soul ‘outweigh’ the sins we have committed in thoughts, words, and deeds.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of reasons in an odd novel. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Crats-REVISED.12-21-17.pdf
