Catholics ask: “Has This Prophecy in Revelation about ‘the end’ come true?”

Once, God ‘dried up’ one body of water. Now, His Angel has ‘dried up’ The Euphrates River. That was Prophesied in Revelation!

Question 1: “What does The Book of Revelation do?”

Answer: “It tells us things that God wants us to know about the past, present, and future! It tells us about the coming “end” of God’s Creation.


Question 2: “Many people have theories about The Book of Revelation. Should we take them seriously?”

Answer: “We must at least consider that “the end” is close by seeing what the ‘6th Angel’ does in Revelation 16:12.”


Question 3: “What did Angel #6 do?”

Answer: “The sixth angel emptied his bowl over the great river Euphrates; all the water dried up so that a way was made for the kings of the East to come in.”


Question 4: “Does The Euphrates River have to ‘dry up’ before God’s Creation disappears?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 5: “Has The Prophecy in Revelation 16:12 come true in our day? Has ‘all the water dried up’ in ‘The Euphrates River’?”

Answer: “Many dams have recently been built on The Euphrates River. Concerned environmentalists studied the results.
They know this fact! Irrigation projects now take more water out of the River than comes into it! For the first time in 4,500 years of recorded History, ‘all the water dried up’ in The Euphrates River!

. This is all that flows in what was once the great Euphrates River.


Question 6: “There is another part of That Prophecy! Is there now ‘a way for the kings of the East to come in’?”

Answer: “The United States just revealed an otherwise inexplicable foreign policy. America recently armed ‘the kings of the East’ with 85 billion dollars worth of airplanes, helicopters, armored vehicles, and weapons. They have made it easy for ‘the kings of the East’ to cross the ‘dried up’ Euphrates River.

Question 7: “How did that happen?”

Answer: “There were high-level meetings immediately before America’s withdrawal. Three questions were asked: ‘Should we have our soldiers use machine guns to quickly destroy the thousands of vehicles, helicopters, warplanes, and missiles? Should we drive tanks over the 400,000 infantry weapons so they can’t be used against us and our allies? Should we burn the buildings and pallets of cash we left behind?’

“Those questions were answered with one word: ‘No.’


Question 8: “Was that the most bizarre answer in History?”

Answer: “It would be like having the Romans leave their weapons, chariots, and horses behind when they abandoned Hadrian’s Wall! No government in History has ever made it easier for their enemies to destroy their own allies!”


Question 9: It appears that two specific Prophecies in Revelation. 16:12 have come true. What should we do?”

Answer: “Get our souls ready for Judgment! Obey The Teachings of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of He Who Fulfilled The Messianic Prophecies:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


St. John’s Prophecy about the “end” has never been closer than today. May the souls of all believers be blessed by doing what we must to get those “keys”!

Those “keys” include The Seven Catholic Sacraments and the Intercession of Gods Holy Saints and Angels.

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