1. This World: Puppets pulling strings of puppets below.

Catholics see what ‘This World’ is! Puppets pulling the strings of puppets below them.

Question 1. “What are the seven tribes of demons who run This World’s puppet show?

Answer: “Pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust and sloth.”


Question 2: “What do they do?”

Answer: “They try to lead the immortal soul of every person on earth to hell. Powerful demons use lesser demons to tempt people into rejecting God, His Son, and His Church.”


Question 3: “Many levels of puppets are pulling the strings of puppets below them! Who pays for This World’s puppet show?”

Answer: “Gluttons. Many people are led by pride into envy and greed. The worst of them become gluttons. Gluttons run things on earth. Glutton-puppets tell their lower-level puppets what to order their puppets to think, say, and do.”


Question 4: “Which puppets does the devil control directly?”

Answer: “His glutton-puppets. They are told to order their lower-level layers of proud, envious, greedy, angry, lustful, sloth-loving puppets what to have their puppets think, say, and do.


Question 5: “Do pride, envy, and greed work for gluttony?”

Answer: “Those three demons join in some people to become gluttony! Glutton puppet-masters pull the strings that operate everything on earth.”


Question 6: “Is every evil we see on earth controlled by gluttons?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 7: “What happens to the immortal souls of those who choose to be in the devil’s puppet show?”

Answer: “They are all sent to hell.”


Question 8: “What happens to their souls?”

Answer: “Everything is reversed in hell! The souls of the gluttons are viciously tortured by the souls they led to reject God and Heaven.”


Question 9: “Do the most powerful gluttons, the billionaires who run every government on earth, suffer the most?”

Answer: “The souls they led to hell hate them! They spend eternity torturing the souls of gluttons who led their souls into hell.”


Question 10: “Who can save their souls from the devil’s puppeteers?”

Answer: “Those who obey This Teaching of Jesus Christ are forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ They ‘obey’ The Holy ‘command’ with Which He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being.


Question 11: “What is His soul-saving ‘Holy Word’?”

Answer: “‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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