2. “Why do the six Puppets of Gluttony love useless projects?”

These are what pyramids look like on the outside.

Gluttons love pyramids. Every generation of Ruling Gluttons has projects to keep their puppets busy! This is what pyramids are actually made of!

Pride Anger
Envy Lust
Greed Sloth

These are the stones that build every pyramid of Worldly Power

Question 1. “Are departments and projects of governments variations of pyramids?”

Answer: “Many of them are! In every age, the devil tells his Gluttons: ‘Keep your puppets busy and obedient!’ “Actual pyramids were one of the first ways that Gluttons kept puppets busy.


Question 2: “Why do Gluttons need to keep their puppets busy?”

Answer: “That’s how they maintain control. Nations whose Gluttons don’t build actual pyramids keep their puppets busy on imaginary pyramids!”


Question 3. “Are most government projects versions of the pyramids?”

Answer: “Yes! The bigger the project, the more Gluttons love it! Useless projects identify and get rid of those who love their Faith, Freedom, and Families.”


Question 4: “Why do gluttons prefer useless projects?”

Answer: “The overwhelming lunacy of insane projects keeps people from thinking clearly about God, Truth, and Love. No matter what ‘pyramid’ they work on, the Puppets of Gluttony agree: ‘We are doing important work!


Question 5: “Is that all there is to most government? Gluttons making people into puppets to do useless things to keep getting more?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 6: “Why don’t Gluttons help people have Faith, Freedom, and Families?”

Answer: “Gluttons follow the devil. He hates Faith, Freedom, and Families.”


“Question 6: “What is their ‘chain of command’?”

Answer: “Glutton-approved officials rule every pyramid-building department. They are staffed by those approved by the lower-level demons of pride, envy, and greed. Puppets at every level are helped by demons of anger, lust, and sloth.”


Question 7: “How do they stay in power?”

Answer: “The six Puppets of Gluttony convince lower-level puppets to obey them instead of God. Their agents in media and courts punish those who disobey orders from the Puppets of Gluttony.”


Question 7: “How do the demons of pride help?”

Answer: “Pride keeps all the Puppets of Gluttony from loving anything more than the thoughts and opinions they are told to have and hold.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of simple reasons. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/AllTheWorldIsAStage-Final.pdf
