Catholics dream of The Dream beyond dreams.

. God’s Dream is our reality.

Catholics think about dreaming. We have questions!

Question 1: “When we see things in a dream, our eyes are closed. How do we see when our eyes are closed?”

Answer: “Our mind holds images of things in our memory. Our spirit rearranges those images to make Stage Sets in our mind’s “Dream Workshop”.


Question 2: “How does that work?”

Answer: “When we dream, our spirit builds a ‘Stage Set’ from images in our mind. Then, our spirit and/or our soul, moves through those images.”


Question 3: “How do the things and people we dream about get into our dreams?

Answer: “Our dreams give ‘life’ to concerns we have.”


Question 4: “What do our dreams mean?”

Answer: “Our dreams show that we ‘are made in the image of God’.”


Question 5: “Is each of us ‘dreaming up things’ in The Stage Set that God has ‘dreamed up’?”

Answer: “Yes. God has The Power to let Actors and their Stage Sets take form when we are awake or asleep.”


Question 6: “Is each of us a character in God’s Dream acting our part on His Stage?”

Answer: “Yes. We choose our costumes, write our lines, and play whatever role we want.”


Question 7: “Do the actors in God’s Dream have Free Will to do that?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 8: “What is the best role we can play as we act our part in God’s Dream?”

Answer: “Obedient servant.


Question 9: “What! If the best role we can play is ‘Obedient Servant’, what’s the point of having Free Will?”

Answer: “God’s Dream has a Producer, a Director, and a Writer. Catholics see Three Aspects of God. The Producer is The Father, The Director is The Son, and The Writer is The Holy Spirit. The best actors follow God’s Directions!”


Question 10: “Why should we ‘follow His Directions’?”

Answer: “When we die, our soul will meet ‘God as Judge’ at our ‘Award Ceremony’.”


Question 11: “What do we want ‘God as Judge’ to tell us?”

Answer: “Seven words! ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant.’


Question 12: “Did God dream all this up and Speak it Into Being?”

Answer: “How else did it get here?”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
