Catholics love to see details about Jesus! #5.

An important “detail”! What happened when The Protestant Establishment met Native Peoples all over the world?


Question 1: “What ‘details’ made you become a Catholic?”

Answer: “History. My job required me to drive to customers in hundreds of towns and cities in North America. After a few years, I realized: ‘Every town I visit was once an Indian City or Village. Every road I drive on was once an Indian Trail. Millions of Indians had walked on them for thousands of years.’


Question 2: “Those are interesting ‘details’! What happened?”

Answer: “This ‘detail’ jumped into my mind: ‘I have never seen a single Indian!’


Question 3: “What did you do?”

Answer: “I studied that ‘detail’. At night, I would go to that town’s library. Some had old journals and diaries of early settlers. This ‘detail’ was clear! ‘My Protestant ancestors went from the Atlantic to the Pacific killing Native Peoples and stealing their land.’


Question 4: “That’s a big ‘detail’! What did you do?”

Answer: “I wanted to find out if Catholics did the same thing! I read this ‘detail’! 400 Catholic soldiers defeated the huge Aztec Empire and made them stop human sacrifices that, in one day, would kill 20,000 Indians!”


Question 5: “What did Catholics do after that?”

Answer: “Catholic priests built schools, hospitals, and Churches! The Church protected Native Peoples from California to Argentina!”


Question 6: “How did those ‘details’ affect you?”

Answer: “Those ‘details’ were overwhelming! My ancestors were in Protestant Denominations. The Profiteers of Protestantism approved of the killing and looting! They made money from it! Then, The Protestant Establishment’s schools hid what they had done! Those ‘details’ drove me to become Catholic.”


Question 7: “Did you know anything about The Catholic Church and Her Teachings?”

Answer: “I knew three ‘details’:

1. The Protestant Establishment justified the extermination of Native Peoples all over the World for 400 years.

2. The Profiteers of Protestantism still hide from the evils their predecessors justified.

3. The Catholic Church obeyed ‘Love your neighbors as yourself.’ with This Catholic Teaching: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 8: “Were you happy after you became a Catholic?”

Answer: “Yes. I was happier to discover The Catholic Sacraments are among ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. They were given to all who obeyed This Word of Jesus Christ!

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9: “Isn’t that a ‘backwards way’ to become Catholic?”

Answer: “It got me here!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
