Catholics love to see details about Jesus! #4

. May every person in the world be blessed to ‘open their heart’ to Every Word of Jesus!


Question 1: What does this ‘detail’ mean in Acts 16:14? ‘. . .The Lord opened her heart to accept what Paul was saying.’

Answer”: “Catholics apply that to ourselves! We pray: ‘Open our hearts, O Lord, to accept The Words of your Son.’ That ‘detail’ tells us to ‘accept’ Every Word of Jesus Christ!”


Question 2: “Should every Christian be ‘opening our hearts to accept’ Every Word of Jesus?”

Answer: “The Bible tells us we must ‘open our hearts’ all the way! We must not let any part of our ‘heart’ be ‘closed’ to Any Word of Jesus Christ!”


Question 3: “Who can ‘open our hearts’?”

Answer: “God helps Catholics ‘open our hearts to accept’ Every Word of Jesus!”


Question 4: “Does God want us to have our ‘hearts’ completely ‘open to accept’ to Every Word of Jesus?”

Answer: “Yes!”


Question 5: “What ‘Word’ of God’s ‘Son’ do Catholics ‘accept’?”

Answer: “We try to ‘accept in our heart’ Every Word of His Son, including: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6: “Why don’t all ‘Christians’ ‘listen’ to That Word of Christ?”

Answer: “Many do not want to ‘open their hearts’ to That Word of God’s ‘Son’.”


Question 7: “I do not understand! How can a person claim to be ‘Christian’ and not ‘accept’ That Word from Christ?”

Answer: “Watch out! If you ask that question, many Willful Protestants will be mad at you!”


Question 8: “Why?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants do not want to think about how much they hate ‘to accept’ That Word of God’s Son’!”


Question 9: “Why would any ‘Christian’ refuse ‘to accept’ That Word of God’s Son?”

Answer: “They do not want to ‘open their hearts’.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
