Catholics love to see details about Jesus! #6.

Catholics know! If a ‘camel can go through a needle’s eye’, Jesus can give me ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”


Question 1: “Why do Catholics love to see ‘details’ about Jesus?”

Answer: “Smart people want our immortal soul to get into Heaven! For us, this is the most important ‘detail’ of Jesus! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2: “Why is That Detail so important?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ gave Catholics ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for our immortal soul!”


Question 2: “If there are ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’, are there ‘gates’ we have to get through?”

Answer: “The Book of Revelation 21:12 tells us there are ‘twelve gates’ in the wall around Heaven. Each ‘gate’ is made from a single ‘pearl’.”


Question 3: “How big are all ‘four sides’ of The City of God?”

Answer: “Each of the ‘four sides’ of The Heavenly City is 1,500 miles long and high (2,412 km). The total length of ‘walls’ is six thousand miles (9,656 km).


Question 4: “How high is the ‘wall’ on which the fours sides of The City of God are built?”

Answer: “The ‘wall’ is 216 feet (135 km) high and 6,000 miles long (9,648 m). There are 6,000 miles x 5,280 = 31,680,000 linear feet in the wall! 31,680,000 x 216 feet height gives us 6,842,880,000 square feet (2,943,168.3072 sq. meters) in the walls where the ‘gates of 12 pearls’ are placed.


Question 5: “That’s an important ‘detail’! There are 36,000 square miles (93,200 sq. km) of ‘walls’ and only 12 gates, each made of a single ‘pearl’. How big is each ‘pearly gate’ in the ‘walls’?

Answer: “That’s a great question! The biggest earthly ‘pearl’ is a little over an inch in diameter.”

“‘Artistic license’ makes the ‘pearls’ millions of times bigger than they may be!

Question 6: “Is that the size of each ‘pearly gate’?

Answer! “Not necessarily! On earth, a ‘pearl’ may be smaller than the head of a pin! A ‘pearl’ is formed by molecules of nacreous material formed around a particle. A ‘pearl’ may be as small as the point of a pin!

Question 7: “Getting into Heaven seems like a ‘camel going through a needle’s eye’! At Judgment, whose souls can find, and fit through, one of those ‘pearly gates’?”

Answer: “Catholic souls are not swollen by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth! Catholic souls are small, humble, and obedient! Jesus empowers our Guardian Angels get us to, and through, the ‘gates’ to His Kingdom!”


Question 8: “Why do Catholics think about all this?”

Answer: “We think about ‘details’ of Jesus! That thinking is one of ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Spoke Into Being on earth with His Word: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
