Do Edison’s light bulbs help us see Jesus?

. The Light of Jesus lets Catholics meaningfully see that He is God.


Question 1: “Why did the first Willful Protestants attack Jesus and His followers?”

Answer: “They did not want to see that Jesus Christ, The Son of God, is God.”


Question 3: “What kept people from seeing that?”

Answer: “That new idea threatened every established group of people on earth.”


Question 4: “Thomas Edison had a new idea when he invented the light bulb. Did people like them?”

Answer: “People who made and sold candles, lanterns, and oil lamps hated Thomas Edison’s new way to provide light. They hired marketing experts to tell people: ‘Electric lights cause blindness and cancer!’


Question 5: “Did people who liked their old ways attack those who saw the ‘new light’ that Jesus brought to earth?”

Answer: “Yes. They hired Saul of Tarsus. ‘Go to to Damascus and get rid of as many Catholics as you can!’ At that time, all believers were led by St. Peter. He was specifically chosen by Jesus. ‘Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church . . ‘ St. Peter’s Successors have led The Catholic Church the last 2,000 years.”


Question6: “What stopped Saul?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ met Him on The Road to Damascus. Jesus was a ‘light so bright’ that Saul was ‘blinded’! When his sight returned, He ‘saw’ that he should spend the rest of his life shining The Brightest Light on Earth into the darkness.”


Question 7: “Why were the first Catholic clergy different?”

Answer: “Jesus Personally chose and Ordained them with some of His Power! At The Last Supper, His priests were Ordained with The Power to change bread and wine into The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. That Holy Food let souls see God’s Light!”


Question 8: “Did other religions hate the fact that only Catholic priests could do that?”

Answer: “Yes! They also hated Jesus for giving Catholic priests This Power: ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 9: “Who does not see that Jesus Christ left His Church The Power to save their souls?”

Answer: “Catholics learn from Edison! Those who can’t get beyond candles, lanterns, and oil lamps do not want anyone to ‘see’ by any light brighter than theirs.”

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