Is my mind a book that I write?

There are a hundred billion “Books of Life” in God’s Library. Which ones end up on the burn-pile?


Question 1: “Why do Catholics think our mind is a book?”

Answer: “Our mind is a book! It is written with our thoughts, words, opinions, beliefs, and choices.”


Question 2: “Do Catholics think that every human mind is a ‘book in God’s Library’?”

Answer: “Revelation 20:12 tells us we all write our own ‘Book of Life’. It is read by God at our Judgment.”


Question 3: “Is our ‘Book of Life’ the only one God reads about us?”

Answer: “Revelation 20:12 also tells us that God reads ‘other Books of Life’ that mention us. We may think we have written a good ‘Book of Life’. God will read what our neighbors have written about us in their ‘Book of Life’.”


Question 4: “What is the most important thing we can write in our ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “Every Catholic knows we should write ‘good words’ in our ‘Book of Life’! ‘When God reads my ‘Book of Life’, I do not want Him to see anything that would keep me from being among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5: “What ‘commands’ of God do Catholics obey?”

Answer: “Every Catholic obeys The Great Decree of Jesus Christ! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

Those ‘keys’ let us write Good Words in our ‘Book of Life‘.”


Question 6: “What happens if we disobey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “God tells the willfully disobedient authors: ‘You thought your opinion was more important than My Word. Your ‘Book of Life’ tells Me that you proudly broke My First Commandment, ‘Thou shall have no other Gods before Me.’


Question 7: “What does God do with the souls who wrote bad words in their ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “Those who encourage any disobedience to God write a ‘Book of Death’. That is why there is a ‘burn pile’.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
