St. Paul tells us there are two kinds of Protestants.

. May all Protestants be blessed to be among those who get Christ’s “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!


Question 1: “St. Paul was a Catholic priest and Bishop. What did he think about Protestants?”

Answer: “Intelligent question! Philippians 1:1-20 tells us that St. Paul’s ‘chains’ had helped him spread The Good News about Jesus. ‘My chains, in Christ, have become famous not only all over the Praetorium (agencies of Roman Government), but everywhere, and most of the brothers have taken courage in the Lord from these chains of mine and are getting more and more daring in announcing the Message without any fear.’


Question 2: “Were some of those ‘brothers’ early kinds of Protestants?”

Answer: “Yes. St Paul was clear that there are two kinds of Protestants. ‘It is true that some of them are doing it just out of rivalry and competition, but the rest preach Christ with the right intention, out of nothing but love, as they know that this is my invariable way of defending the gospel.’


Question 3: “Does that mean there are two kinds of Protestants?”

Answer: “Yes. One kind of Protestants have the ‘right intention’.”


Question 4: “What are the other kind of Protestants?”

Answer: “St Paul describes them! ‘The others, who proclaim Christ for jealous or selfish motives, do not mind if they make my life (or the life of any Catholic!) easier to bear.’


Question 5: Did St. Paul condemn Protestants who had ‘jealous or selfish motives’?”

Answer: “St. Paul answered that with a question! ‘But does it matter?’


Question 6: “Why did St. Paul answer with that amazing question?”

Answer: “He tells us this simple truth: All belief in Christ works for good! ‘Whether from dishonest motives or in sincerity, Christ is proclaimed; and that makes me happy . .’


Question 7: “Should Catholics still want our beloved Protestant neighbors to be Catholic?”

Answer: “The Seven Catholic Sacraments are among ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. That is why we pray that all of our beloved neighbors will obey This Word of Jesus Christ, be in The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word, and get all His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!

‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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