The fate of our immortal soul depends on words we write in our “Book of Life”.

Is this how we will look as Jesus Christ reads “Our Book of Life” when our immortal soul is before Him at His Judgment?


Question 1: “Why are Catholics concerned about the Words we write in our ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “We know that God will read what we have written in our ‘Book of Life’ when we go to His Judgment!”


Question 2: “Who writes in our ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “We do! Every important word we have chosen to write or speak is written in our ‘Book of Life’.”


Question 3: “Are ‘our words’ similar to Words Spoken by God>”

Answer: “Each of us is ‘made in the image of God’. God could Speak Things into Being. Our words speak Our Thinking into Being.”


Question 4: “Which of our words will hurt us at Our Judgment?”

Answer: “We are hurt by every word that showed we were not obeying ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself’.”


Question 5: “Which of ‘our words’ will help us at Our Judgment?”

Answer: “All of ‘our words’ that led us and others to obey God and love our neighbors will be counted in our favor at our Our Judgment.”


Question 6: “Which of ‘our words’ will hurt us at His Judgment?”

Answer: “Every word of ours that encouraged pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, or sloth will hurt us at our Judgment.”


Question 7: “Which of ‘our words’ will do the most harm?”

Answer: “Any of ‘our words’ that encouraged disobedience to The First Commandment do the most harm.


Question 8: “Is every word that encourages us or others to put ourselves ‘before God’ harmful?”

Answer: “Disobeying ‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.’ has allowed every evil on earth to corrupt billions of souls.”


Question 9: “Is Jesus ‘God’?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ Fulfilled over 300 Messianic Prophecies! Most Christians correctly understand that He is ‘The Second Person of The Holy Trinity’. Jesus Christ is both God and man.”


Question 10: “Did Jesus Christ leave us a guide us to let ‘our words’ be pleasing to Him at our Judgment?”

Answer: “Some are blessed to guide ‘our words’ by This Word from Him! ‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 11: “Will He find ‘our words’ acceptable if we did not obey That Word from Him?”

Answer: “Maybe! Those whose words reflect this Neighbor Loving Teaching may be approved by Him: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


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