How do Catholics escape “The Greatest Confusion on Earth”?

We escape “The Greatest Confusion on earth” with a Simple Prayer: “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me. Let me see You!”


Question 1: “Everyone wants to know! How and when did The Roman Catholic Church come into Being on Earth?

Answer: “Like everything else in Creation, The Catholic Church was Spoken Into Being by God.


Question 2: “I know that God Spoke Creation into Being. Who Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity! He has The Father’s Power to Speak things Into being with His Word.”


Question 3: “With what ‘Word’ did The Second Person of The Holy Trinity ‘Speak’ The Catholic Church Into Being?”

Answer: “The Catholic Church came into being on earth at the exact moment Jesus Christ Spoke This Word!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4: “Why doesn’t everyone understand that The Catholic Church, like all Creation, was Spoken Into Being by That Word of God?”

Answer: “For 2,000 years, The Profiteers of Protestantism have been keeping their donors confused by ‘The Greatest Confusion on Earth’.”


Question 5: “Weren’t Calvin and Luther among the First Profiteers of Protestantism, 500 years ago?”

Answer: “No! The first named group of Protestant Profiteers were The Nicolaitans. Rev 2:6 and 2:15 tell us they intentionally confused people in the early Catholic Churches at Ephesus and Pergamum.”


Question 6: “Were Profiteers of Protestantism confusing people in the centuries between the Nicolaitans and Luther?

Answer: “Yes. The cleverest was Arius! He was the one who confused people about The Oneness of The Holy Trinity. As a result, Christians have been intentionally infected with The Greatest Confusion on Earth for 1,700 years!”


Question 7: “What is The Greatest Confusion on Earth?”

Answer: “‘The Greatest Confusion on Earth’ keeps people from understanding that The Second Person of The Holy Trinity has The Father’s Power to Speak things into Being.”


Question 8: “Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism encourage ‘The Greatest Confusion on Earth’?”

Answer: “For 2,000 years, every Profiteer of Protestantism has made a living from ‘The Greatest Confusion on Earth’! They believe: ‘The Son is so much less than The Father that you should be in Our Denomination and give money to me.’


Question 9: “How can our minds be cured of ‘The Greatest Confusion on Earth’ and be in The Only Church Spoken Into Being by The Second Person of The Holy Trinity?”

Answer: “We ask God to help us Think Clearly about WHO Jesus IS. This prayer helps! ‘Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me. Let me see You!’


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