The Bible mentions curing people and nations. And “Languages”!

The Fathers of The Church were careful to write down The Words of Jesus. May we be blessed to organize our thoughts by keeping His Words alive in our minds and “Languages”.


Question 1: “Why does The Book of Revelation 17:15, say that God is concerned about ‘Languages’? ‘The Angel continued, ‘the waters you saw, besides which the prostitute was sitting are all the peoples, the populations, and the languages.’

Answer: “God made our minds to work with ‘words’ that make ‘languages’. Some ‘words’ are spoken. Some are ‘written’. ‘Languages’ are made of ‘words’. 1,300 years ago, St. Isidore of Seville brilliantly explained how written ‘words’ and ‘letters’ were made!”


Question 2: “How did St. Isidore of Seville tell us that ‘written words’ and ‘letters’ are made?”

Answer: “He brilliantly explained that all written ‘words’ are made out of ”letters’. He explained that ‘Letters’ are made out of lines. ‘Some lines are straight. Some are curved. ‘Letters’ are made out of lines that are straight, or curved, or both.’


Question 3: “What are the most important ‘words’?”

Answer: “‘Words of God’ are The Most Important Words in every ‘Language’. Those who want to keep souls from Heaven hate for people to think with ‘words’ that let us know that our most important work on earth is getting our immortal souls into Heaven.”


Question 4: “Who would not want people to get their immortal souls into Heaven?”

Answer: “Every evil on earth wants to keep people from getting their souls into Heaven.”


Question 5: “How can a person get his or her soul into Heaven?”

Answer: “Catholics know that two things are important: 1. First, we have Words of God in our minds and ‘languages’. 2. Then, we guide our thoughts and lives around Words of God.”


Question 6: “Why do Catholics pay attention to Words of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “God came to earth in Human Form. The Son is ‘One with The Father’. So, Jesus has The Power to ‘Speak’ things into Being with His Words. He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with This Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7: “Can we get our souls into Heaven if we willfully keep our minds from Thinking Clearly enough to get the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ spoken into Being by That Word of God?”

Answer: “May all be blessed to see Every Word of Jesus Christ illuminated brightly by This Word of His: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

Our Love of God is reflected in how well we obey the ‘words’ of God in our ‘languages’.”


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