Catholics believe that Every Word of Jesus Christ is Truth.

. Catholics are saved by believing Every Word of Jesus Christ. Disbelief lets many souls sink into confusion. Forever.


Question 1: “Today’s Reading includes Passages from The Book of Wisdom 2:1, 12-22. Why do Willful Protestants take That Book, and six others, out of their Bibles?”

Answer: “They do not respect The Divine Perfection of This Word of Jesus: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2: “What does that have to do with keeping or removing The Seven Books of The Apocrypha from The Bible?”

Answer: “Jesus made His Divine Promise about The Church He Spoke Into Being that many Willful Protestants avoid: ‘. . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’. Catholics know: The Promise of Jesus validates all Catholic Teaching.”


Question 3: “The Church taught The Apocrypha should be in The Bible at The Council at Hippo, in 393. The Counsel of Carthage validated that in 397. That Catholic Teaching was confirmed at The Council of Trent that ended in 1563. Catholics know that The Promise of Jesus is valid. Therefore, ‘the gates of hell’ did not prevail, and that those Books are part of The Bible. Why do many Willful Protestants disagree?”

Answer: “50,000 Protestant Denominations have invented Marketing Plans. All of them are designed to keep donors from believing This Promise of Jesus about The Living Truth of All Catholic Teaching: ‘. . . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’.

Therefore: Every belief that contradicts Any Catholic Teaching has had ‘the gates of hell prevail’ over it.”


Question 4: “There are libraries full of books that say The Apocrypha should not be in The Bible. Can all those Profiteers of Protestantism be wrong?”

Answer: “It is always wrong to believe anything that contradicts Any Word of Jesus Christ. It is always wrong to deny The Validity of Catholic Teaching. Many are led to become living insults to The Divine Perfection of The Promise of Jesus about all Catholic Teaching: ‘. . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’

Those who believe that Every Word of Jesus Christ is Holy Truth believe The Seven Books of The Apocrypha should be in The Bible.

May all be blessed to learn from Today’s Reading from The Book of Wisdom 2:1, 12-22. It is part of The Bible!”


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