The universe has billions of Shining stars and some “black holes”. Catholics see why God provided such opposites!
Question 1: “What are the ‘black holes’ that astronomers see in God’s universe?”
Answer: “They are places without light. There is no light in the ‘black holes’ scattered around God’s Creation.”
Question 2: “Why did God make the universe with ‘black holes’?”
Answer: “The ‘black holes’ give us a simple view of what happens to souls that God condemns at His Judgment.”
Question 3: “Do powerful telescopes let us see how to be better Catholics?”
Answer: “Many brilliant writers have thought about the agonies of souls in Hell. Dante described hell in a complicated book called ‘Dante’s Inferno’. After The Bible, that is the best-selling book of the past 800 years!.
Question 4: “Did writers like Dante believe that hell was filled with different degrees of eternal punishment reflecting the disobedience of those who hated God and hurt their neighbors?”
Answer: “They believed that souls were punished according to the hurt they afflicted on God and their neighbors. Today, we understand ‘binary systems’. Things are either ‘on’ or ‘off’.”
Question 5: “In ‘The Book of Revelation’ the souls of those who did evil are thrown into ‘the lake of fire’. Does a soul suffer the same way by being thrown into a ‘black hole’?
Answer: “Souls may suffer more in a ‘black hole’ than in ‘the lake of fire’! Souls sent to a ‘black hole’ suffer the greatest pain of all, total separation from God’s Love and Light.”
Question 6: “Is there any connection between the ‘hell’ described by Dante’s ‘Inferno’ and the idea that hell is simply a ‘black hole’?”
Answer: “There may be This Connection! Dante’s ‘Inferno’ and every ‘black hole’ may have the same sign outside! The last thing that every condemned soul can see is: ‘Abandon hope, all you who enter here.’”
Every view of hell encourages us to stay out of it! That’s why Catholics are Catholic! We want our soul to have the only specific ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ . The Son of God died to leave those ‘keys’ to The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church He Spoke Into Being with His Church-Creating Word!
“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock i build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
P.S.: After reading this short post, one reader had a thought that leads to this consideration! “It may be that enough light gets into ‘the black hole’ that is hell to let every soul see and anguish over every happy joy they are missing.”
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The best book of the last Century is <em>“The Diary of St. Faustina”</em>. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul.
Christmas is coming! Three free books are listed below. They are provided by Catholic Missionaries (who may include you) as anonymous as the unnamed evangelists chosen by Jesus in <em>Luke 10:1-22</em>.
These free books are amazing Christmas presents! The anonymous author is an inventor with the unusual qualification of having over 160 U.S. Patents. He looks for new, simple reasons to be Catholic.
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<em>”New Road to Rome”</em> is a simple Catholic look at The World and its History.
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The books are free. They cannot be bought. Have you ever heard of such a thing? <strong>is:</strong> Simple Reasons to be Catholic.