Many believe in God. Catholics do more. We strive to obey Every Word of God! #31

Catholics listen to Every Word of Jesus. Then, we strive to obey!


Question 1: “Why do Catholics strive to obey Every Word of God?”

Answer: “We see God more clearly than others. We begin to know how real He is!”


Question 2: “How do Catholics know God is real?”

Answer: “Catholics learn from St. Thomas Aquinas that ‘Something cannot come from nothing.’ Therefore, there is a Creator. A Catholic priest from Belgium, Fr. Georges LeMaitre, studied star movements. He calculated that Creation came into Being ten or twenty billion years ago. In the past century, the fact that there is a ‘beginning’ to Creation has been validated by astronomers with increasingly powerful telescopes and computers.”


Question 3: “How does obeying God help Catholics?”

Answer: “Human beings are the most complicated things we see in God’s Creation. We thank God for giving life to us and our neighbors, His beloved Free Will Creatures.”


Question 4: “What if we choose to not believe or obey God?”

Answer: “Our soul is ‘made in the image of God’. If we let temptations keep our soul away from God, we cannot be happy.”


Question 5: “What lets Catholics be happy?”

Answer: “Catholics are living connections with God’s Prophets in The Bible. They made hundreds of Prophecies about ‘God’s Promised Messiah’. He is identified as both ‘Son of God’ and ‘Son of Man’. Prophecies were fulfilled when He came to earth in human form. The Prophecy from Micah 5:1-2 specifically tells us where! He would be born the tiny village of Bethlehem, one place among the millions of towns and cities that have been on earth.”


Queston 6: “Many people say they respect Words of The Prophets. Why aren’t all of them Catholic?”

Answer: “Pride in Personal Opinions leads many to avoid The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of The Messiah! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7: “Can anyone meaningfully believe in God and reject the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ His Son left on earth?”

Answer: “Only souls with enough ‘life’ in them can get into Heaven. God’s Promised Messiah repeated His Call to what would be Catholic Communion fourteen times in the last half of John 6 and twice more at THe last Supper: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 8: “Why do willful Protestants refuse to obey That Call from Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants would rather die from following popular opinions than obey God’s First Commandment: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’


Willful Protestants do not see that The Purpose of Creation is to divide immortal souls into two groups. Catholics may be eternally blessed to be forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ We cannot be happy if we are among His willfully disobedient ‘enemies’.”

Those who are too proud to let God rule their lives reject The Catholic Church and God’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.


. . . . . . . . . . . . is: Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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The best book of the last Century is “The Diary of St. Faustina”. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul.

Christmas is coming! A few of the free books are listed below. They are provided by Catholic Missionaries (who may include you) as anonymous as the unnamed evangelists chosen by Jesus in Luke 10:1-22.

These free books are amazing Christmas presents! The anonymous author is an inventor with the unusual qualification of having over 160 U.S. Patents. He has invented new, simple reasons to be Catholic!

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“New Road to Rome” is a simple Catholic look at The World and its History.

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