Only Catholics live by “The Word of Life” we see in Every Word of Jesus. #6

Catholics let the “Power of God” lead us to our Holy Communion with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Question 1:  “What do Catholics ‘see and believe’ that others do not?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics are able to meaningfully ‘see and believe’ that This Word of life’ in 1 John 1:1-4 tells us that Every Word of Jesus Chrst is worthy of our total obedience!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2:  “What keeps people who call themselves ‘Christian’ from making That Word of Jesus the most important thing in their life on earth?”

Answer:  “Seven tribes of demons roam the earth.  They spread pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth into as many minds as they can.  Every demon on earth knows one thing!  ‘We can only stay out of hell by convincing people to reject the specific ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ died to leave to souls in His Church on earth!’


Question 3:  “Is every disobefdience to Any Word of Jesus inspired by demons driven to keep themselves out of hell by leading people on earth into hell?”

Answer:  “Eve ate the ‘forbidden fruit’.   Cain killed his brother.  Judas betrayed Jesus.  Disobeying God is always caused by evil spirits who stay out of hell if they get people to follow them instead of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”


Question 4:  “What do demons hate for any person on earth to do?”

Answer:  “Every demon on earth hates us to obey The Clear Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.‘”


Question 5:  “Do Catholics believe that God lives in those who choose to receive His Actual Body and Blood in Catholic Communion?”

Answer:  “Catholics know more than that!  We are the only people on earth who know that The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are present at Every Catholic Mass.  No one else knows that Christ’s Catholic  priests have God’s Power to provide The Holy Food that keeps demons from confusing our mind and leading our soul to hell.”


Only Catholics receive The Holy Food that lets God save our souls from hordes of soul-devouring demons.

May every Willful Protestant ask God to help them Think Clearly about The Power God gave His Catholic priests to provide That Holy Food by His Miracle of Transubstantiation.


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It’s Christmastime!  A few free books are listed below. They are provided by Catholic Missionaries (who may include you) as anonymous as the unnamed evangelists chosen by Jesus in Luke 10:1-22.

These free books are amazing Christmas presents! The anonymous author is an inventor with the unusual qualification of having over 160 U.S. Patents. He shares simple reasons to be Catholic.

“Crats!” is a very unusual novel.

“New Road to Rome” is a simple Catholic look at The World and its History.

“The Book of Revelation” lets us use modern technology to understand the most complicated Book in The Bible! Catholics know more than we realize! We understand that every email we have written is also inscribed in our “Book of Life” that Jesus will read at our Judgment!

The books are free. They cannot be bought. Have you ever given such a present?

