A cataract in my eye helped me see two kinds of energy!

God made light. God, and some of His created entities, produce light. Angels are living beings that produce light. The sun produces light. It is not alive.

Jesus Christ produces light. St. John tells us in Revelation 1:16 that “His face is like the sun shining with all its force.”


The facts are clear.

1. The sun emits wavelengths of light than we cannot see.

2. Rev 1:16: Jesus Christ in Heaven is “like the sun shining with all its force.”


3. Jesus Christ radiates wavelengths of energy we cannot usually see.


Catholics consider The Fact provided by The Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being with His Word! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Church that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against” teaches:

1. Jesus Christ empowers His Catholic Bishops and priests to preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation. He gives them The Power to Preside over The Transubstantiation of bread and wine into His Body and Blood.

2. We may logically conclude: “That Power requires wavelengths of His “Holy Energy” to be sent to earth with no “deviation”. “Deviation” of light is shown in the picture.

3. His “Holy Energy” is transmitted without “deviation”. We cannot usually see wavelengths above “red”. They have the least “deviation”.

4. Either A or B must be considered:

A. That “Holy Energy” is sent to specific targets at specific moments, as when bread and wine are Consecrated by a Catholic priest.


B. That “Holy Energy” is continually being radiated and takes form at every Moment of Transubstantiation.


I recently discovered that my left eye had a slight cataract. Its vision was partly occluded. One day at Mass, this odd thought came to me.

“If I only look through my left eye at The Chalice when the wine is being Consecrated, I may be able to see something!”

What did I see?

My “partly occluded eye” saw what looked like tiny “heat waves” rising from The Chalice! They resembled the “heat waves” rising from a hot, blacktopped road! They were an inch or so high. That happened at three consecutive Masses.

Question: “Should I have that cataract removed?

Answer: “If it keeps me from driving to Mass!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
