a hard Bible Question: Who is in “the huge crowd”?

Revelation 19:1-2 gives us a hard Bible Question:  Who is in “the huge crowd”?    Will our immortal soul be in “the huge crowd”?

“After this I seemed to hear the great sound of a huge crowd in Heaven, singing ‘Alleluia’!   Victory and power to our God!  He judges fairly, he punishes justly, and He has condemned the famous prostitute who has corrupted the earth with her fornication;  He has avenged His servants that she killed.'”

It is a hard Bible Question:  Who is in “the huge crowd”?   For each of our souls, that is the most important question there is!  The “huge crowd” is so important that it is mentioned again, in Rev 1:5-6.   

“Then a voice came from The Throne;  it said, ‘Praise our God, you servants of His and all who, great or small, revere Him.  And I seemed to hear the voices of a huge crowd, like the sound of the ocean, or the great roar of thunder, answering, ‘Allulia!  The reign of the Lord our God Almighty has begun; . . ‘”


We know this:

1. “He judges fairly”  That brings up more hard questions!  Will the precious souls of the billions of lost, unborn babies be in “the huge crowd”?  What of those of us who did not protect them?  Will our souls be in “the huge crowd”?

What if we knowingly voted for candidates we knew would not protect them?   What if we knowingly supported a denomination that did not support this Catholic Teaching:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”?  Will our souls be in “the huge crowd”?

2. What about the souls the lost children were kept from bringing into being?  Will they miraculously be in “the huge crowd?

3. We must consider another fact: “He punishes justly.”  What do our sins deserve?


Every Christian should shudder in horror!

By The Grace of God, Catholics know that we have the only direct Absolution that Jesus left on earth!  Jesus did give His Catholic priests, and only His Catholic priests, this power:

The Bible is very clear about that in John, 20:23!  “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Those who obey that Instruction of Jesus may be in “the huge crowd”!


We know what we must do to be in “the huge crowd!”  What a relief to be Catholic!

What a relief to make a Good Confession!

What a relief to receive Absolution!

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Free e-books and reasons to be Catholic:  catholicfundamentalism.com
