All History in five words: “The Trotskys kill the Braunsteins.”

Every book about History describes good people and bad. Today, the name “Trotsky” describes bitter, angry people. “Braunstein” is a term for people who love God, Freedom, and their Families.

The Trotsky’s are not blessed to live by what every Braunstein knows!

1. God Spoke Creation into Being.

2. God made Adam and Eve.

3. Eve and Adam disobeyed God.

4. Cain killed Abel, his better brother who listened to God. The first Trotsky had killed his first Braunstein!


5. God’s Flood washed away all the Trotskys.

6. Four Braunstein families left the Ark.

7. Thousands of Tribes and Peoples are descended from them. The Bronze Age began when some of them invented bronze! They soon mass-produced better, cheaper weapons and tools. Their speed and power increased when they found ways to add horsepower to human strength.

8. Tribes of Noah’s inventive descendants took the world away from Stone Age peoples.


9. In his generation, Abraham was smart enough to be more obedient to God than anyone since Noah.

10. Three generations later, Joseph was the smartest of Abraham’s descendants. Ten of his own brothers were jealous Trotskys. They wanted to kill Joseph!

11. Instead, they made a little money by selling him into slavery. Joseph was so intelligent that the “slave” took over Egypt! What did he do? He saved his Trotsky brothers. Many are alive today because of Joseph’s superior intelligence and his love for God and his own, Trotsky brothers!


Then, God put Moses in charge. He led Jacob’s Twelve Tribes to reclaim the land God had given Abraham. God gave them Prophets and Judges. Braunsteins obeyed them. Trotskys did not!

God exiled many to Babylon. Those who followed God and His Prophets were allowed to return. Trotskys mentally (some, physically) stayed in Babylon.

Trotskys love to live in The State of Mind that is Babylon!
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12. Prophecies were Fulfilled! Over 300,000,000 people on earth had an average lifespan of 40 years. About 4 million boys were born every year. Jesus Christ was one of the two boys born in the tiny village of Bethlehem every year.

13. The year He was born, three astronomers arrived from Babylon. These “wise men” had studied star charts meticulously recorded for the preceding 2,000 years. They saw in the stars: a Prophecy was coming true! They traveled three months to Bethlehem. They brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies.

14. King Herod, and every Trotsky from every nation, hated the idea that God would have dared to take Human Form! Like Cain and Joseph’s brothers, they said: “Neither God nor man will tell me what to do!” Jesus Christ was killed, “lifted up before men” with “no bones broken”, fulfilling more of 300 Prophecies.


15. Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Another Prophecy! Trotskys in every nation hated every Braunstein who would believe that!

16. Soon, many nations were led by those who understood that Jesus Christ did Fulfill The Prophecies.

17. Trotskys attacked those who believed God had taken human form.

18. Russia was typical. Their leaders left The Catholic Church and invented another of many “Orthodox” denominations. That confusion let Trotskys seize power. Bitter, angry Trotskys from around the world joined them.

19. To his surprise, Trotsky was killed by Stalin, a smarter Trotsky! His last words? “How could this be! No one is smarter than me!”

20. Time goes on. Billions of Braunsteins in every nation, born and unborn, are killed by the always angry Trotskys. So are Jeffrey Epsteins. Trotsky anger knows no bounds.


Since the day Cain killed Abel, Catholics see simple truth.

All History in five words: “The Trotskys kill the Braunsteins.” And, each other. And, themselves.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.


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