All Protestants are a great blessing. Especially to Catholics!

People think a lot about religion. Those who believe in God are in one of only two religions. Every believer on earth is either Catholic or Protestant.

1. Catholics obey This Instruction from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics know: “The Catholic Church is The Body of Christ on Earth.” We know that because only His Body on Earth could hold and provide Hiskeys”.

2. All Protestants believe in some Teachings of Jesus Christ. Protestants are people who do not obey Every Teaching from Jesus Christ.


There are two kinds of Protestants.

A. Some Protestants obey some Teachings from Jesus Christ.

B. Other Protestants are in faiths that do not believe that Jesus Christ is The Prophesied Messiah.

The two kinds of Protestants have one of three attitudes.

1. The Profiteers of Protestantism make a living by leading donors to reject The Body of Christ on Earth.

2. Other Protestants willfully and knowingly choose to reject some Teachings of Jesus Christ.

3. Many people are easily confused by The Profiteers of Protestantism.

No Protestant thinks clearly enough to understand that The Catholic Church is “The Body of Christ on Earth.”


What makes Protestants such a great blessing to Catholics?

Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” Therefore:

1. The Teachings of The Body of Christ on Earth are “the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”

2. Without The Catholic Church, there would be no “body of Christ” providing all of His Teachings on earth.

3. Therefore: The Catholic Church is “the body of Christ on earth.”

4. When people reject “The Body of Christ on Earth”, they are rejecting Jesus Christ.


Catholics know! “When I defend The Body of Christ on Earth, I am following He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!”

Catholics correctly conclude: “Resisting Protestant attacks let me be forever among: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

Catholics know Who said that! He Who will soon be The Judge of my immortal soul!”

We are always grateful to Protestants! They give us so many opportunities to be among His obedient “friends”!
