All risk death by jealousy

Cain was so jealous of Abel that he killed him. The devil was so jealous of God that he tried to kill Him. Jealousy drove the Philistines to hate Abraham, his children and their prosperity. Many are jealous of, and want to destroy, the wonderful inventiveness that springs into being throughout Christian nations.

In every age, the jealous try to kill their betters. Even the jealous all risk death by jealousy. The less jealous are often destroyed by the more jealous.

Fredo’s plaintive cry in The Godfather movie echoed Cain’s, “I’m smart! I’m smart, too!” Like Cain, Fredo’s jealousy drove him to attempt to exterminate his brother.

Cain’s hatred of Abel and Fredo Corleone’s hatred of Michael is reflected in those who are pro-abortion. The connection is clear. Just as some of the less intelligent hate the more intelligent, those whose souls have been too deadened by envy to feel the joys of life tend to hate the living.

“My soul is dead. I have strangled it with sin. I am so jealous of the living that I want them to die rather than have the chance for happiness that I lost. Laws keep me from killing anyone but unborn babies. I am so consumed by jealously that I will work to kill as many as I can.”

Many are not hateful enough to join in such slaughters of helpless babies, but are still jealous. They tend toward becoming Communists, Moslems, pornographers, paralyzing environmentalists or join others driven to destroying, rather than loving, their neighbors.

Death by jealousy. From Cain and Able to the abortion chambers and prison camps beloved by the life-hating leftists of every age, all risk death by jealousy.

Christ brought a cure for jealousy. “Love God and your neighbor.” Those possessed by the demons of hate cannot abide that. They hate Jesus, His advice, and The Only Church He Founded. It’s a miracle that so many, many armed, hateful, powerful people have not destroyed it.

Why haven’t the hateful and jealous, with all their armies and navies, destroyed the tiny, unarmed Church? The less jealous know that the teachings of The Church are the only thing that protect them from being killed by their more jealous neighbors. They know that so well that they are “closet Catholics.”

But, why don’t those who are sickened by the killing avail themselves of Confession and Absolution, numbering themselves among those blessed by the Power of Christ given to His priests in John 20:23 “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”?

Demons of vanity (“I do not need forgiveness!”)are allied with the demons of jealousy. Their combined efforts keep many from seeking the only Absolution on earth that can save them.
