An Act of War

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, four United States employees at our Libyan Embassy were killed by a mob of Moslems.

Among the dead was our Ambassador to Libya. He was suffocated.

This is an act of war by the Brotherhoods of Moslems whom our President has put into power throughout the Middle East.

The response from this President will be more equivocation, empty threats, and apology.   There will probably be some sort of mild, military reaction.  It will be focused on some harmless Moslem splinter group whom the ascendant Brotherhood wants to see attacked and weakened.

Most Americans know that any nation with even a remnant of  self-respect has never had an Ambassador and Embassy staff slaughtered without a proper, military response to the attackers.

But, we are led by an administration that hates its country.  Such governments have not been unusual since bitter, angry leftists seized control in the French and Russian Revolutions.  Since that time, many governments have waged war on their own people.

No truly just retaliation for the slaughter of its Ambassador and staff will be allowed by this administration, despite an act of war.  There will, at best, only be the shadow of such a response so that more attacks against America may be encouraged.

This act does give us an opportunity to identify our domestic enemies and paid hirelings of our enemies.  To a person, they will say, “We must not overreact!”  They will say that until we are too paralyzed to do anything.

(Already, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, has announced that the murderers of our Ambassador and his staff are a “small group”.)
