Another galaxy consideration.

Computer programs often have a “copy” capability. We can, with the push of a button, copy what we’ve done.

There are also possible modifications available on many programs at the push of a button. For instance, if we had a computer-generated program that portrayed a waving flag, we could copy that repeatedly with changing colors, designs, sizes, and “wave patterns”.

God, when envisioned as “The Programmer”, can do the same thing with three dimensional systems. Catholic Fundamentalists think that if He has a nice Galaxy Program that He likes, but wants to modify, His angelic sub-programmers can download the alterations with the spiritual equivalent of using their copy/modify commands. Presto, a new galaxy is pinwheeling somewhere.

This same procedure also happens with everything that each galaxy contains. He and His angels have so much fun doing this that they just keep on and on and on.

We can but hope and pray to be found worthy of being elected to that most holy of companies, His exalted Company of Programming Angels and Saints.
