Are Children Better Off If They’re Dumbed Down by Heading Soccer Balls?

Where does intelligence come from?  Mothers?  Fathers?  Environment?  It may come from what children are “programmed” to do by their families.  Some children are encouraged to read, write, and study.  At another part of the child-raising spectrum, children are taught that it’s worthwhile to smash their heads into fast-moving soccer balls while ignoring that the result of such activity can’t help but being less able to use their minds effectively.

We may reach the conclusion:  “Parents who raise their children intelligently are going to have more intelligent children.”  That conclusion may be verified by comparing a child who’s read 300 books by the time he or she is fifteen to a child who’s headed a hard soccer ball that many times by the same age.  It’s hard to imagine that anyone is unable to  see the collective effects of one sort of parenting over another.

One has to wonder:  Are the parents who encourage their children to damage their brains with soccer-balls unable to see the problems with doing so because their own parents raised them in such a way that they were involved in soccer-type activities?  How far back can such brain-abuse be taken?

In earlier times, there was no large number of children encouraged to do something as directly damaging to their brains as heading soccer balls.  To be sure, there were a few involved in boxing, with similar results in mental power, but most avoided such “sports”.

Soccer, in our day,  is an historical first.  At no other time in history did a culture do so much to make generations of their own children less able to function mentally.  It may not manifest a lack of parental intelligence as it represents a realization that, in a corrupt world, those with damaged brains may have less painful lives than those with the intellectual ability to see how far we’ve fallen from where we could have been. Thanks for reading Are Children Better Off If They’re Dumbed Down by Heading Soccer Balls?


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