Most Europeans are Semites.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Most pre-1850 historians believed and taught that European peoples began with Japeth,  one of Noah’s three sons.  This idea has been, and continues to be, widely spread among Fundamentalists of all faiths.

Catholic Fundamentalism has another position.  The first Europeans were, it is agreed, descended from Japeth.  Around 720 B.C., the Ten Northern Tribes were captured in their homelands.  Groups of captured sons of Jacob were forcibly relocated to the North under the orders of  Tiglath-pileser, Sargon II,  and Shalmaneser V.

The Northern Tribes took their tribal structures and heritage with them into exile.  They maintained some of their separate natures while recognizing their common kinship with Abraham.   Many settled in the Caucasus M0untains, which is why  White people still call themselves “Caucasians”.

Catholic Fundamentalism believes that many of the tribes migrated away from the Caucasus.  Some filtered into Europe.  The Tribe of Dan, for instance, colonized what would become Dan-Mark.  Gad’s Tribe  ended up in Northern England, as “Gadeni”.   Part of Simon’s Tribe, in the West of England, became the “Simoni”.  Many became what we know as the various Tribes of Teutons.   Some became Slavs.  They did to Europe what earlier children of Abraham had done when they moved into India.  They took over the country, and were known as “Brahmans”.

Since the sons of Abraham and Jacob were closer to God than the largely cannibalistic, and often morally perverted, demon-worshiping peoples they met, they dominated India and Europe about as rapidly as their descendants would replace American Indians when later migrations of The Ten Tribes crossed the Atlantic.

Sometimes, members of the Ten Northern Tribes are called “anti-Semites” by those from the Southern Tribes.   They are not anti-Semites because they are, themselves, Semites.  They may, however, sometimes be, “Anti-other Semites” as the Tribes’ descendants jockey for position in this world and the next. Thanks for reading Most Europeans are Semites.

