Avoiding truths that lead to action.

More frequently than we like, we hear people say words to the effect that: “Doesn’t the government know that what they’re doing hurts people?” Variations on this theme include “Don’t they understand that what they’re doing can’t work?”

The response to every such statement is simple. “Cuba.” That is invariably followed by something to the effect of “Huh?”

When we explain that the goal of the left is to do to every country, organization, family, and individual exactly what they’ve done in Cuba, we can begin to explain what their awful mission is; the destruction of all that is good and decent.

It is astonishing that leftists can say “We have to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.” even as they ignore the vast prison camp of the leftist country beyond. But, that selective reality is the hallmark of the lost souls of the left.

Those who persist in saying, in simple-minded astonishment, “Don’t they understand how wrong they are?” become part of the problem, promoting a destructively simplistic view of reality that facilitates the efforts of those who wish to enslave and destroy them.
