Babylon is the source of every evil and every lie.

Bewildered people wander in the vast Teeming Midlands, the areas between Babylon and The Only Church Jesus Founded. They are confused, frightened, and impoverished. They are, in varying degrees, enslaved.

Those led to the sanity of The Catholic Church ask hard questions. “Do those who shun The Only Church Jesus Founded deserve to be confused, frightened, impoverished, and enslaved.”

More charitable Catholics realize that those in the Teeming Midlands are confused. They have a vague idea that they’re being “gotten at”, but are unable to understand much more than that. Some become hostile and withdrawn. Others dull their minds with sex, drugs, and alcohol. Many distract themselves with activities. Most complain about “the unfairness of it all”.

Catholics know that Babylon is the enemy of truth, love, and life. Babylon hates The Only Church Jesus Founded because it is based on truth, love, and life.

Babylon is the source of every evil and every lie. The Church provides every goodness and every truth. Those who choose Babylon are lost. Ultimately, this must be considered: The lost are those who do not choose The Church.
