Bearing False Witness

False Witness

We can frequently tell when people are lying on the various “news” programs.  The first lie is that what they are saying is “news”.  Their “news” is composed of lies that the Controllers want us to believe or truths they want to hide.

Most of our minds refuse to believe that people are lying when they say they are telling the truth.  Our trusting nature means that most “news” is believed.

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Bearing False Witness

Real news, like the willful destruction of a million unborn Americans a year, is never mentioned.  The news that government spending reductions would bring prosperity is similarly hidden.  Lies and Exaggerations that justify spending are never exposed.  The fact is that every means of communication under direct government is far from truth.

Some tell  lies.  Others hide truth.  That’s not our problem.  When our souls are judged, sentences will be handed down.  We can be thankful if we were not part of the frauds.


Catholics know! “Jesus loves me so much that He has chosen me to get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that He died to leave on earth!” ~ Question 1: “Why are Catholics the only people who can most meaningfully say: ‘Jesus loves ME!’?” Answer: “Catholics are the only people on earth who […]

From the beginning, “Self-righteousness” has made people displeasing to God. ~ Question 1: What is the worst ‘unholy vanity’?” Answer: “The worst ‘unholy vanity’ does the greatest harm to the most people for the longest time. ‘Self-righteousness’ does that.” ~ Question 2: “How does ‘Self-righteousness’ cause ‘the greatest harm to the most people for the […]

Catholics know that a driver with a whip is behind all who choose to bear ‘the yoke of our captivity’.” Question 1: “Why are Catholics ‘Catholic’?” Answer: “Catholics want to be free!” ~ Question 2: “From what do Catholics want to be ‘free’?” Answer: “We do not want to be ‘captive’ to our sins or […]