The biggest lie separates sheep from goats.

The bitterest schismatics tell the old lie that The Catholic Church is symbolized by Babylon being thrown into the sea as described in the Book of Revelation.

A Catholic Fundamentalism translation of the Book of Revelation is on the header of the Catholic Fundamentalism site.  It helps us understand the bitter, unhappy people who have completely reversed reality to fit their ongoing rage:

“The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from the sky, burning like a ball of fire, and it fell on a third of all rivers and on the springs of water; 11. This was the star called Wormwood, and a third of all water turned to wormwood, so that many people died; the water had become so bitter.

     (The “huge star” is generally seen as a fallen angel, usually Lucifer.  Catholic Fundamentalists begins by considering its name, and finding out that Wormwood has been known for thousands of years.  It comes from the Family Compositae, the largest group of flowering plants.  Wormwood is the second-most bitter of plants.  It is, with almost as perfect a symbolism as found in the name of the only plant more bitter, “rue”, placed in what was named the Genus Artemisia.  The bitter plants were named for Artemis, twin sister of Apollo, called Diana by the Romans.  

    Artemis’s personality, like the plant named after her, was incredibly bitter.  She was immune to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.  Her bitterness drove her to hate and kill.   In her devotee’s ceremonies, a male sacrificial victim was symbolically cut with a knife.  When Acteon, the hunter, saw her bathing, she was so angry that she turned him into a stag, and had his own hounds chase him down and tear him to bits.  “I’ll show you what I think of men!” she said, ever-echoed by bitter women of all times.  

    Interestingly, the compound thujone is found among the bitter chemicals of Artemis’s plant.  It is said to increase mental ability.  Scripture may be telling us very emphatically that Diana’s bitterness, combined with a stimulant and spreading through womankind, causes similar problems among men who let themselves be influenced by bitter women.

We see wormwood at work in the bitter minds of those who rail against the love of God and neighbor for which The Catholic Church has stood.

Bitter minds are too corroded to realize a simple fact:  the devil continually attacks The Church.  In every age, hate transforms itself into pretend priests.  In every age, they bring a new scandal into The Church.  They filled with self-hatred they cannot see the eternal suffering they bring upon themselves.

In every age, others who loathe themselves too much to want eternal joy use the scandals caused by pretend-religious as an excuse to leave, or attack, The Church.

The bitter cannot see beyond Babylon’s barrages of press releases.  They even believe the biggest lie:  the Pro-Life Catholic Church is death-loving Babylon.  The biggest lie separates sheep from goats.

Why does God allow such an awful lie to be told in every age?  In every age, that lie separates the most loving sheep from the angriest of goats.
